Friday, April 20, 2012


Exodus: Jacob and his descendants are living in Egypt. Moses is directed by GOD to lead his people out of Egypt, by delivering a number of plagues on Pharoah and the Egyptians. GOD institutes the Passover, and clarifying that the blood redemption is essential and HIS Covenant to the ISraelites identifying them as HIS chosen people. GOD delivers the Israelites through the Red Sea. The Ten Commandments are given by GOD to Moses at Mount Sinai. The Israelites are reprimanded by GOD for worshiping the golden calf. The tabernacle is builted. Leviticus This book is the continuation of the stories in Exodus. The tabernacle is finished, and under Moses direction given by GOD, the handbook of instructions are given to the Levites, which were Israelite Priests. Instructions were given on how to live Holy through worship and sacrifice. There were 5 offerings discussed: 1. Burnt offering 2. Meat offering. 3. Peace offering 4. Sin offering, and 5. Trespass offering. The priesthood laws were discussed, along with Aaron's responsibility as priest. Numbers This book is the continuation of the stories found in Leviticus. Numbers covers the 40 years of wilderness wandering by the Israelites. Two separate censues are conducted by Moses. The first census is of the old generation, that came out of Egypt. The second census is of the new generation, just before preparing to ener the promised land of Canaan. The old generation was not allowed to ener the promised land except for Joshua and Caleb. Instructions on the binding laws of vows. GOD orders Canaan to be destroyed. Canaan is divided. Deuteronomy Deuteronomy means second law-giving. The new generation needs to learn how develop a right relationship with GOD. 3 farewell sermons are given by Moses just before his death. Moses appoints Joshua as his successor. The Israelites are challenged to reflect on their past history, their Covenant with GOD, and to live their future with faith and obedience. The Ten Commandments are repeated. Joshua The book of Joshua covers Joshua's leadership over Israel. Joshua is lead by GOD'S divine intervention to successfully engage in 3 awesome conquering engagements against the armies in Canaan. GOD'S miraculous interventions included the crossing of the Jordan River, and the conquest of Jericho. The division of the promised land is conducted amongst the tribes of Israel and their settlements take place. Before Joshua's death, he encourages the people to renew their covenant with GOD and to love HIM with thir whoe hearts. Judges Judges mean ruling leaders. Three major Judges are discussed in this book, which are Deborah, Gideon , and Samson. The Israelites falls into the cycle of sin 7 times, with each time, GOD shows his penalty, love, and forgiveness to HIS people. One reason why, the Israelites sinned so much, because they failed to finish conquering the Promised Land, and fell to sin to their neighboring nations. The Judges were used to rule and guide the people between apostasy and repentance. Apostasy is paying the price of judgement from GOD. Repentance is demonstrating to GOD, that one is wrong, for his sins and that's when GOD used HIS judges to lead the people to restoration and rest. Ruth This book was written during the period of the Judges. Ruth is a story of loyalty, and because of this loyalty, great blessings were given by GOD. Ruth, a Moabite girl marries one of Naomi's sons. Naomi's sons die and Ruth decides to stay with her mother-in-law, and was greatly blessed by it. Ruth finally remarried and beared a son which is the Grandfather of David, which he is the royal lineage of JESUS CHRIST!!! I Samuel This book is named after Samuel because he is the main character in the first part of the book. There are two other characters, which are Saul and David. Samuel annoints Saul and David in the latter part of this book. Samuel is the last judge of the Israelites. The Israelites no longer wanted a judge appointed by GOD, but they wanted a King like the heathen nations. Samuel was also a prophet. GOD informs Samuel, that Saul would be King. Saul did not like GOD, and his heart was not for GOD, therefore, GOD rejects Saul as King and selects David as King.

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