Sunday, April 8, 2012

Weeks 12-16

I thank the LORD GOD for HIS only Begotten SON. For sacrificing HIM upon the Cross, so that we may have eternal life in Heaven, Hallelujah!!!
How has my Blogger Family been doing? Yes, I have been disobedient in posting my Blogs. I could make many excuses, and maybe some would be valid, but our LORD GOD should come first, especially when HE has given one an assignment to do. As James 5:16 states, Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that he may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. In praying this, I confess my faults and I am sorry for not being consistent with my Blog postings. I will not stop and give up, but I will continue with the postings, and my readings. I will post summaries of the books passsed, and post them as well.
Well, here we go:

Week 12
March 18 Judges 1-2
March 19 Jud 3-5
March 20 Jud 6-7
March 21 Jud 8-9
March 22 Jud 10-12
March 23 Jud 13-15
March 24 Jud 16-18

Week 13

March 25 Jud 19-21
March 26 Ruth
March 27 I Sam 1-3
March 28 I Sam 4-8
March 29 I Sam 9-12
March 30 I Sam 13-14
March 31 I Sam 15-17

Week 14

April 1 I Sam 18-20
April 2 I Sam 21-24
April 3 I Sam 25-27
April 4 I Sam 28-31
April 5 II Sam 1-3
April 6 II Sam 4-7
April 7 II Sam 8-12

Week 15
April 8 II Sam 13-15
April 9 II Sam 16-18
April 10 II Sam 19-21
April 11 II Sam 22-24
April 12 I Kings 1-2
April 13 I King 3-5
April 14 I Kings 6-7

Week 16

April 15 I Kings 8-9
April 16 I Kings 10-11
April 17 I Kings 12-14
April 18 I Kings 15-17
April 19 I Kings 18-20
April 20 I Kings 21-22
April 21 II Kings 1-3

I will post missed and passed reflections upcoming this week.
GOD Bless All

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