Tuesday, November 28, 2023



Giving Thanks for what THE LORD Has Given Us, and Then Giving or Sharing Some of Those Blessings With Someone Else!!!


Sunday, August 8, 2021

Blog Ending-Weeks 25 Through 52


Hello All,

I haven't posted in a while and I do apologize for those who did follow me.  I have taken on other Projects for THE LORD'S Kingdom.  I will post the rest of this Year's Readings and will Retire this Blog in January of 2022.  It will be 10 years in January since I started this Blog for THE LORD. I started in January of 2012!!! It has been Great serving You All GOD'S WORD and Messages!!! Again, I will Re-Post some important Messages from GOD Below!!! Whether we like it or not, ready for it or not, the end times are here!!! Although, No man knows the day or hour that JESUS is Coming Back, but for Sure HE is Coming Back Soon!!!

I just encourage everyone to Get Ready and Be Ready for JESUS' Return!!! Get your Salvation Plan in Order, and Get your houses in Order!!!

Love You All and Be Blessed and Stay Blessed!!!


Just Below is A Most Important Repost!!! Then the Rest of the Readings for this year, starting at Week 25 Through 52.

"Let's Get Excited in Reading GOD'S WORD in a Year!!!"

GOD Bless You All...💓🙏🏽🙌🏾


Some Revelation:

II Kings 17:39
But the LORD Your GOD Ye shall fear; and HE shall Deliver You out of the hand of All Your enemies.

II Chronicles 7:14
If MY people, which are Called by MY NAME, Shall Humble themselves, and Pray, and Seek MY FACE, and Turn from their wicked ways; then Will I Hear from HEAVEN, and Will Forgive their sin, and Will Heal their land.

Isaiah 6:10
Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be Healed.

Isaiah 13:11
And I will Punish the World for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the Arrogancy of the Proud to Cease, and I will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.

Mark 13:23-27
But take Heed: Behold, I have Foretold you All Things.

But in those days, after that Tribulation, the Sun Shall be Darkened, and the Moon Shall Not give Her Light,

And the Stars of HEAVEN Shall Fall, and the Powers that are in HEAVEN Shall be Shaken.

And Then Shall they see the SON of Man Coming in the Clouds with Great Power and Glory.

And then Shall HE Send HIS Angels, and Shall Gather together HIS Elect from the Four Winds, from the Uttermost part of the Earth to the Uttermost part of HEAVEN.

Mark 13:32-37
But of that day and that hour Knoweth no man, no, not the Angels which are in HEAVEN, Neither the SON, but the FATHER
Take ye Heed, WATCH and PRAY: For ye know NOT when the time is.

For THE SON of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the Porter to watch.

WATCH ye therefore; for ye know NOT when
THE MASTER of the house Cometh, at Even, or at Midnight, or at the Cockcrowing, or in the Morning:

Lest COMING SUDDENLY HE Find You Sleeping.

And What I Say Unto you I say unto All, WATCH.

Revelation 9:20-21
And the rest of the men which were killed by these plagues yet REPENTED NOT of the works of their hands, that they Should NOT worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither Can See, Nor Hear, Nor Walk:

Neither REPENTED they of their murders, Nor of their sorceries, Nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

This is Some Revelation, I Received from the LORD.  There are Three Words that are of Importance from the above Scriptures and they are:

1.  PRAY



The time is nearing that our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST is Coming Back!!! For it is Written in the WORD OF GOD!!! As the above Scriptures says, no man knows the date, time, or hour!!!  But, for us to  PRAY, REPENT, and WATCH!!!

My Prayer is that All of Us Will be Caught Up in the Sky with OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST at the Time of the RAPTURE!!!  Let's Not Be Left Behind!!!!!

"Let's Get Excited in Reading GOD'S WORD in a Year!!!"

Week 25

June 18:  Nehemiah 10-11; Acts 4:1-22

June 19:  Nehemiah 12-13; Acts 4:23-37

June 20:  Esther 1-2; Acts 5:1-21

June 21:  Esther 3-5; Acts 5:22-42

June 22:  Esther 6-8; Acts 6

June 23:  Esther 9-10; Acts 7:1-21

June 24:  Job 1-2; Acts 7:22-43

Week 26

June 25:  Job 3-4; Acts 7:44-60

June 26:  Job 5-7; Acts 8:1-25

June 27:  Job 8-10; Acts 8:26-40

June 28:  Job 11-13; Acts 9:1-21
Happy Birthday Jessica!!!🎁🎈🎂🎉

June 29:  Job 14-16; Acts 9:22-43

June 30:  Job 17-19; Acts 10:1-23

July 1:  Job 20-21; Acts 10:24-48

Week 27

July 2:  Job 22-24; Acts 11

July 3:  Job 25-27; Acts 12

July 4:  Job 28-29; Acts 13:1-25
Happy Birthday Tosh Tash!!!🎁🎈🎂🎉

July 5:  Job 30-31; Acts 13:26-52

July 6:  Job 32-33; Acts 14
Happy Birthday Naomi!!!🎉🎁🎂🎈

July 7:  Job 34-35; Acts 15:1-21

July 8:  Job 36-37; Acts 15:22-41
Happy HEAVENLY Birthday Grandaddy John Hailey!!!🎈🎉🎈🎉
Happy Birthday Pastor Orville Littlejohn!!!

Week 28

July 9:  Job 38-40; Acts 16:1-21

July 10:  Job 41-42; Acts 16:22-40

July 11:  Psalms 1-3; Acts 17:1-15

July 12:  Psalms 4-6; Acts 17:16-34

July 13:  Psalms 7-9; Acts 18

July 14:  Psalms 10-12; Acts 19:1-20

July 15:  Psalms 13-15; Acts 19:21-41

Week 29

July 16:  Psalms 16-17; Acts 20:1-16

July 17:  Psalms 18-19; Acts 20:17-38

July 18:  Psalms 20-22; Acts 21:1-17

July 19:  Psalms 23-25; Acts 21:18-40
Happy Birthday Tash Tosh & Jurel!!

July 20:  Psalms 26-28; Acts 22

July 21:  Psalms 29-30; Acts 23:1-15

July 22:  Psalms 31-32; Acts 23:16-35

Week 30

July 23:  Psalms 33-34; Acts 24

July 24:  Psalm 35-36; Acts 25

July 25:  Psalm 37-39; Acts 26

July 26:  Psalm 40-42; Acts 27:1-26

July 27:  Psalm 43-45; Acts 27:27-44

July 28:  Psalm 46-48; Acts 28

July 29:  Psalm 49-50; Romans 1

Week 31

July 30:  Psalm 51-53; Romans 2

July 31:  Psalms 54-56; Romans 3

August 1:  Psalms 57-59; Romans 4

August 2:  Psalms 60-62; Romans 5

August 3:  Psalms 63-65; Romans 6

August 4:  Psalms 66-67; Romans 7

August 5:  Psalms 68-69; Romans 8:1-21
Happy HEAVENLY Birthday Daddy Carnell!!!
Happy HEAVENLY Birthday Minnie Bacon!!!

Week 32

August 6:  Psalms 70-71; Romans 8:22-39

August 7:  Psalm 72-73; Romans 9:1-15

August 8:  Psalm 74-76; Romans 9:16-33

August 9:  Psalm 77-78; Romans 10

August 10:  Psalm 79-80; Romans 11:1-18

August 11:  Psalms 81-83; Romans 11:19-36

August 12:  Psalms 84-86; Romans 12

Week 33
August 13:  Psalms 87-88; Romans 13

August 14:  Psalms 89-90; Romans 14

August 15:  Psalms 91-93; Romans 15:1-13 
Happy Birthday Christian  🎉🎈🎂🎁

August 16:  Psalms 94-96; Romans 15:14-33
Happy Birthday London!!!🎁🎈🎂🎉 
Happy Birthday Tiffany!!! 🎈🎉🎁🎂

August 17:  Psalms 97-99; Romans 16

August 18:  Psalms 100-102; I Corinthians 1

August 19:  Psalms 103-104; I Corinthians 2

Week 34
August 20:  Psalms 105-106; I Corinthians 3

August 21: Psalms 107-109; I Corinthians 4

August 22: Psalms 110-112; I Corinthians 5

August 23:  Psalms 113-115; I Corinthians 6

August 24:  Psalms 116-118; I Corinthians 7:1-19

August 25:  Psalms 119:1-88; I Corinthians 7:20-40
August 26:  Psalms 119:89-176; I Corinthians 8

August 27:  Psalms 120-122; I Corinthians 9

Week 35
August 28: Psalms 123-125; I Corinthians 10:1-18

August 29:  Psalms 126-128; I Corinthians 10:19-33

August 30:  Psalms 129-131; I Corinthians 11:1-16

August 31:  Psalms 132-134; I Corinthians 

September 1:  Psalms 135-136; I Corinthians 12

September 2:  Psalms 137-139; I Corinthians 13

September 3:  Psalms 140-142; I Corinthians 

Week 36
Sept 4:  Psalms 143-145; I Corinthians 14:21-40

Sept 5:  Psalms 146-147; I Corinthians 15:1-28

Sept 6:  Psalms 148-150; I Corinthians 15:29-58

Sept 7:  Proverbs 1-2; I Corinthians 16

Sept 8:  Proverbs 3-5; I I Corinthians 1

Sept 9:  Proverbs 6-7; II Corinthians 2

Sept 10:  Proverbs 8-9; II Corinthians 3

Week 37

Sept 11:  Proverbs 10-12; II Corinthians 4

Sept 12:  Proverbs 13-15; II Corinthians 5

Sept 13:  Proverbs 16-18; II Corinthians 6

Sept 14:  Proverbs 19-21; II Corinthians 7

Sept 15:  Proverbs 22-24; II Corinthians 8

Sept 16:  Proverbs 25-26; II Corinthians 9

Sept 17:  Proverbs 27-29; II Corinthians 10

Week 38

Sept 18:  Proverbs 30-31; II Corinthians 11:1-15

Sept 19:  Ecclesiastes 1-3; II Corinthians 11:16-33
Happy Birthday Pamela and Dollinda!!!
Sept 20:  Ecclesiastes 4-6; II Corinthians 12

Sept 21:  Ecclesiastes 7-9; II Corinthians 13

Sept 22:  Ecclesiastes 10-12; Galatians 1

Sept 23:  Song of Solomon 1-3; Galatians 2

Sept 24:  Song of Solomon 4-5; Galatians 3

Week 39
September 25:  Song of Solomon 6-8; Galatians 4

September 26:  Isaiah 1-2; Galatians 5

September 27:  Isaiah 3-4; Galatians 6

September 28:  Isaiah 5-6; Ephesians 1
Happy Birthday Tiffany!!!

September 29:  Isaiah 7-8; Ephesians 2

September 30:  Isaiah 9-10; Ephesians 3
Happy Birthday Syionna!!!

October 1:  Isaiah 11-13; Ephesians 4
Happy Birthday Pastor Terry Williams!!!

Week 40

October 2:  Isaiah 14-16; Ephesians 5:1-16
Happy Birthday Jordyn!!!

October 3: Isaiah 17-19; Ephesians 5:17-33

October 4:  Isaiah 20-22; Ephesians 6

October 5:  Isaiah 23-25; Philippians 1

October 6:  Isaiah 26-27; Philippians 2
Happy Birthday Rakin!!!!

October 7:  Isaiah 28-29; Philippians 3

October 8:  Isaiah 30-31; Philippians 4

Week 41

Oct 9:  Isaiah 32-33; Colossians 1

Oct 10:  Isaiah 34-36; Colossians 2

Oct 11:  Isaiah 37-38; Colossians 3

Oct 12:  Isaiah 39-40; Colossians 4

Oct 13:  Isaiah 41-42;
I Thessalonians 1

Oct 14:  Isaiah 43-44; 
I Thessalonians 2

Oct 15:  Isaiah 45-46;
I Thessalonians 3

Week 42

October 16:  Isaiah 47-49; 
I Thessalonians 4
Happy Birthday Cortney!!!🎁🎂🎈🎉

October 17:  Isaiah 50-52;
I Thessalonians 5

October 18:  Isaiah 53-55;
II Thessalonians 1

October 19:  Isaiah 56-58;
II Thessalonians 2

October 20:  Isaiah 59-61;
II Thessalonians 3

October 21:  Isaiah 62-64;
I Timothy 1

October 22:  Isaiah 65-66;
I Timothy 2

Week 43

October 23:  Jeremiah 1-2; 
I Timothy 3

October 24:  Jeremiah 3-5;
I Timothy 4

October 25:  Jeremiah 6-8; 
I Timothy 5

October 26:  Jeremiah 9-11;
I Timothy 6

October 27:  Jeremiah 12-14;
II Timothy 1

October 28:  Jeremiah 15-17; 
II Timothy 2

October 29:  Jeremiah 18-19;
II Timothy 3

Week 44

October 30:  Jeremiah 20-21; 
II Timothy 4

October 31:  Jeremiah 22-23;
Titus 1

November 1:  Jeremiah 24-26;
Titus 2

November 2:  Jeremiah 27-29;
Titus 3

November 3:  Jeremiah 30-31;

November 4:  Jeremiah 32-33;
Hebrews 1

November 5:  Jeremiah 34-36;
Hebrews 2

Week 45

November 6:  Jeremiah 37-39; Hebrews 3

November 7:  Jeremiah 40-42; Hebrews 4

November 8:  Jeremiah 43-45; Hebrews 5

November 9:  Jeremiah 46-47; Hebrews 6

November 10:  Jeremiah 48-49; Hebrews 7

November 11:  Jeremiah 50; Hebrews 8

November 12:  Jeremiah 51-52; Hebrews 9

Week 46

November 13:  Lamentations 1-2; Hebrews 10:1-18

November 14:  Lamentations 3-5; Hebrews 10:19-39

November 15:  Ezekiel 1-2; Hebrews 11:1-19

November 16:  Ezekiel 3-4; Hebrews 11:20-40

November 17:  Ezekiel 5-7; Hebrews 12

November 18:  Ezekiel 8-10; Hebrews 13

November 19:  Ezekiel 11-13; James 1

Week 47

November 20:  Ezekiel 14-15; James 2

November 21:  Ezekiel 16-17; James 3

November 22:  Ezekiel 18-19; James 4

November 23:  Ezekiel 20-21; James 5

November 24:  Ezekiel 22-23;
I Peter 1

November 25:  Ezekiel 24-26; 
I Peter 2

November 26:  Ezekiel 27-29;
I Peter 3

Week 48

November 27:  Ezekiel 30-32; 
I Peter 4

November 28:  Ezekiel 33-34;
I Peter 5

November 29:  Ezekiel 35-36;
II Peter 1

November 30:  Ezekiel 37-39; 
II Peter 2

December 1:  Ezekiel 40-41;
II Peter 3

December 2:  Ezekiel 42-44;
I John 1

December 3:  Ezekiel 45-46; 
I John 2

Week 49

December 4:  Ezekiel 47-48; 
I John 3

December 5:  Daniel 1-2; 
I John 4

December 6:  Daniel 3-4;
I John 5

December 7:  Daniel 5-7;
II John

December 8:  Daniel 8-10;
III John

December 9:  Daniel 11-12;

December 10:  Hosea 1-4; Revelation 1

Week 50

December 11:  Hosea 5-8;
Revelation 2

December 12:  Hosea 9-11;
Revelation 3

December 13:  Hosea  12-14;
Revelation 4

December 14:  Joel; Revelation 5

December 15:  Amos 1-3; Revelation 6

December 16:  Amos 4-6; Revelation 7

December 17:  Amos 7-9; 
Revelation 8

Week 51

December 18:  Obadiah;
Revelation 9

December 19:  Jonah; 
Revelation 10

December 20:  Micah 1-3;
Revelation 11

December 21:  Micah 4-5;
Revelation 12

December 22:  Micah 6-7;
Revelation 13

December 23:  Nahum; 
Revelation 14

December 24:  Habakkuk;
Revelation 15

Week 52

December 25:  Zephaniah; Revelation 16

December 26:  Haggai; Revelation 17

December 27:  Zechariah 1-4; Revelation 18

December 28:  Zechariah 5-8; Revelation 19

December 29:  Zechariah 9-12; Revelation 20

December 30:  Zechariah 13-14; Revelation 21

December 31:  Malachi; Revelation 22

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Some Revelation-Weeks 18 Through 24


Some Revelation:

II Kings 17:39
But the LORD Your GOD Ye shall fear; and HE shall Deliver You out of the hand of All Your enemies.

II Chronicles 7:14
If MY people, which are Called by MY NAME, Shall Humble themselves, and Pray, and Seek MY FACE, and Turn from their wicked ways; then Will I Hear from HEAVEN, and Will Forgive their sin, and Will Heal their land.

Isaiah 6:10
Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be Healed.

Isaiah 13:11
And I will Punish the World for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the Arrogancy of the Proud to Cease, and I will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.

Mark 13:23-27
But take Heed: Behold, I have Foretold you All Things.

But in those days, after that Tribulation, the Sun Shall be Darkened, and the Moon Shall Not give Her Light,

And the Stars of HEAVEN Shall Fall, and the Powers that are in HEAVEN Shall be Shaken.

And Then Shall they see the SON of Man Coming in the Clouds with Great Power and Glory.

And then Shall HE Send HIS Angels, and Shall Gather together HIS Elect from the Four Winds, from the Uttermost part of the Earth to the Uttermost part of HEAVEN.

Mark 13:32-37
But of that day and that hour Knoweth no man, no, not the Angels which are in HEAVEN, Neither the SON, but the FATHER
Take ye Heed, WATCH and PRAY: For ye know NOT when the time is.

For THE SON of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the Porter to watch.

WATCH ye therefore; for ye know NOT when
THE MASTER of the house Cometh, at Even, or at Midnight, or at the Cockcrowing, or in the Morning:

Lest COMING SUDDENLY HE Find You Sleeping.

And What I Say Unto you I say unto All, WATCH.

Revelation 9:20-21
And the rest of the men which were killed by these plagues yet REPENTED NOT of the works of their hands, that they Should NOT worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither Can See, Nor Hear, Nor Walk:

Neither REPENTED they of their murders, Nor of their sorceries, Nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

This is Some Revelation, I Received from the LORD.  There are Three Words that are of Importance from the above Scriptures and they are:

1.  PRAY



The time is nearing that our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST is Coming Back!!! For it is Written in the WORD OF GOD!!! As the above Scriptures says, no man knows the date, time, or hour!!!  But, for us to  PRAY, REPENT, and WATCH!!!

My Prayer is that All of Us Will be Caught Up in the Sky with OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST at the Time of the RAPTURE!!!  Let's Not Be Left Behind!!!!!

We are in Week 18 with our Readings and I will Post Weeks 18 Through 24 just below:

"Let's Get Excited in Reading GOD'S WORD in a Year!!!"

Week 18

April 30: I Kings 8-9; Luke 21:1-19

May 1: I Kings 10-11; Luke 21:20-38

May 2: I Kings 12-13; Luke 22:1-30

May 3: I Kings 14-15; Luke 22:31-46

May 4: I Kings 16-18; Luke 22:47-71

May 5: I Kings 19-20; Luke 23:1-25

May 6: I Kings 21-22; Luke 23:26-56

Week 19

May 7: II Kings 1-3; Luke 24:1-35

May 8: II Kings 4-6; Luke 24:36-53

May 9: II Kings 7-9; John 1:1-28

May 10: II Kings 10-12; John 1:29-51

May 11: II Kings 13-14; John 2

May 12: II Kings 15-16; John 3:1-18

May 13: II Kings 17-18; John 3:19-36

Week 20

May 14: II Kings 19-21; John 4:1-30

May 15: II Kings 22-23; John 4:31-54

May 16: II Kings 24-25; John 5:1-24

May 17: I Chronicles 1-3; John 5:25-47

May 18: I Chronicles 4-6; John 6:1-21

May 19: I Chronicles 7-9; John 6:22-44

May 20: I Chronicles 10-12; John 6:45-71

Week 21

May 21: I Chronicles 13-15; John 7:1-27

May 22:  I Chronicles 16-18; John 7:28-53

May 23:  I Chronicles 19-21; John 8:1-27

May 24:  I Chronicles 22-24; John 8:28-28-59

May 25:  I Chronicles 25-27; John 9:1-23

May 26:  I Chronicles 28-29; John 9:24-41

May 27:  II Chronicles 1-3; John 10:1-23

Week 22

May 28:  II Chronicles 4-6; John 10:24-42

May 29: II Chronicles 7-9; John 11:1-29

May 30: II Chronicles 10-12; John 11:30-57

May 31:  II Chronicles 13-14; John 12:1-26

June 1:  II Chronicles 15-16; John John 12:27-50

June 2:  II Chronicles 17-18; John 13:1-20

June 3:  II Chronicles 19-20; John 13:21-38

Week 23

June 4:  II Chronicles 21-22; John 14

June 5:  II Chronicles 23-24; John 15

June 6:  II Chronicles 25-27; John 16

June 7:  II Chronicles 28-29; John 17

June 8:  II Chronicles 30-31; John 18:1-18

June 9:  II Chronicles 32-33; John 18:19-40

June 10:  II Chronicles 34-36; John 19:1-22

Week 24

June 11:  Ezra 1-2; John 19: 23-42

June 12:  Ezra 3-5; John 20

June 13:  Ezra 6-8; John 21

June 14:  Ezra 9-10; Acts 1

June 15:  Nehemiah 1-3; Acts 2:1-21

June 16:  Nehemiah 4-6; Acts 2:22-47

June 17:  Nehemiah 7-9; Acts 3

Friday, April 2, 2021

Happy GOOD FRIDAY!!! Weeks 14 Through 17

"Before We Complain about anything today, Let's Remember JESUS' Ultimate SACRIFICE HE Made for Us Over 2000 Years ago!!! Today, GOOD FRIDAY, Commemorates JESUS' Crucifixion!!!  

At the 1st hour (6:00 am) JESUS was subdued by an army including chief priests, elders, and scribes. 

Mark 14:53

At the 3rd hour (9:00 am) JESUS was crucified.

Mark 15:25

At the 9th hour (3:00 pm) JESUS Cried with a Loud Voice, saying, ELOL, ELOL, LAMA SABACHTAN? which is, being interpreted, MY GOD, MY GOD WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME? 

Mark 15: 33-34

And JESUS Cried with a Loud Voice, and Gave up the Ghost. 

Mark 15:37

What a Sacrifice JESUS Endured For You and Me!!!


Thank YOU JESUS!!!💓🙌🏾 


Lent Reflection:  "Today, Let's HONOR JESUS' Ultimate SACRIFICE for Us!!!


P.S. Happy 45th Day of Lent-

Let's Meditate and Give Thanks for this HOLY Week and this GOOD FRIDAY,  Leading up to Resurrection Sunday (Easter)!!!✝️♥️🌴


P.S.S. At 9:00 am and 3:00 pm today, Let's Stop for a Moment of Silence to  commemorate JESUS' Sacrifice!!!


We are in Week 14 with our Readings.  I will Post Weeks 14 Through 17 just below.

"Let's Be Excited in Reading GOD'S WORD in a Year!!!"

Week 14

April 2: Judges 16-18; Luke 7: 1-30

April 3: Judges 19-21; Luke 7: 31-50

April 4: Ruth 1-4; Luke 8:1-25

April 5: I Samuel 1-3; Luke 8:26-56
Happy Birthday Deborah and Kim!!!!
Happy Birthday Matthew!!!

April 6: I Samuel 4-6; Luke 9:1-17

April 7: I Samuel 7-9; Luke 9: 18-36

April 8: I Samuel 10-12; Luke 9:37-62

Week 15

April 9: I Samuel 13-14; Luke 10:1-24

April 10: I Samuel 15-16; Luke 10:25-42
Happy Birthday April!!!

April 11: I Samuel 17-18; Luke 11:1-28

April 12: I Samuel 19-21; Luke 11:29-54
Happy Birthday Ariyah and Amiyah!!!

April 13: I Samuel 22-24; Luke 12:1-31

April 14: I Samuel 25-26; Luke 12:32-59

April 15: I Samuel 27-29; Luke 13:1-22

Week 16

April 16: I Samuel 30-31; Luke 13: 23-35
Happy Birthday Antoine!!!!
Happy Birthday To Me!!!

April 17: II Samuel 1-2; Luke 14:1-24

April 18: II Samuel 3-5; Luke 14:25-35

April 19: II Samuel 6-8; Luke 15:1-10

April 20: II Samuel 9-11; Luke 15:11-32

April 21: II Samuel 12-13; Luke 16

April 22: II Samuel 14-15; Luke 17:1-19

Week 17

April 23: II Samuel 16-18; Luke 17:30-37

April 24: II Samuel 19-20; Luke 18:1-23

April 25: II Samuel 21-22; Luke 18:24-43

April 26: II Samuel 23-24; Luke 19:1-27

April 27: I Kings 1-2; Luke 19:28-48

April 28: I Kings 3-5; Luke 20:1-26

April 29: I Kings 6-7; Luke 20:27-47

Monday, February 22, 2021

Lenten Season-Weeks 8-13


             This Year's Motto: "Put GOD First in

Hello everyone!!!  This is my favorite time of the year!!!  Today Marks the 7th Day into Lent.  Lent started this past Wednesday- which was Ash Wednesday.  Lent is a Sacred Time to Meditate with our LORD JESUS CHRIST and become closer to HIM!!! Just below, I will repost last year's post on Lent!!!

Here is the repost:
I find it very meaningful, purposeful, and significant to repost an old post of mine in regards to the Lenten Season.  This is my favorite time of the year, this is the time for us to reflect on GOD and our relationship with HIM.  Also a time to really meditate and thank GOD for HIS Precious Gift of HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST!!!  That HE gave HIS LIFE, that we all can have Eternal Life in HEAVEN!!! How Awesome is this Gift!!!

Here is the post:

Lent is observed by Christians and is done by fasting and penitence (repentance), for in preparation for Easter.  By fasting we our showing our GOD that we are sorry for our sins and faults.  It's a great season for all of us to become closer to Our GOD.  It usually starts on Ash Wednesday and is done for 40 weekdays until Easter arrives.  A lot of us give up our favorite foods.  In the Old Testament the Israelites was instructed by GOD to give up leavened bread during there Lenten season.  Leavened bread is any bread that has yeast or any rising agent in it.  This is where "Fat Tuesday" come into play, when we eat those delicious Paczki Donuts.  The Israelites were to use all the leavening agents up in their households before Ash Wednesday and was not to have any of it present in their dwellings for 40 days.  Did you know we can give up leavened foods, but we can set alternatives to that by giving up certain habits that we have, such as spending too much money, complaining, judging others, discouraging others, hanging on to hate and anger. Also we can concentrate on forgiving others and increasing our prayer life.  Why not concentrate on some of these things during this Lenten season dedicated to our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST!!!  While engaging in this Lenten season let's not forget what JESUS did for us on the CROSS. HE sacrificed HIMSELF through HIS BLOOD so that we may have eternal life in HEAVEN with HIM; the FATHER and the SON!!!  How Awesome is this!!!!! What a great gift from our LORD and SAVIOUR!!! All we have to do is repent and be sorry for our sins, and practice from repeating the same sins, and all the rest is done for us!!!  We can freely go to our LORD and SAVIOR and ask for forgiveness and if we truly mean it, then we are automatically forgiven through HIM, Hallelujah...Thank YOU JESUS!!!

We are in Week 8 and I will post Weeks 8 Through 13,  Readings just below!!!  'Let:s be Happy and Excited in Reading GOD'S WORD in a Year!!!'

Week 8

February 19:  Leviticus 25;
Mark 1:23-45

February 20:  Leviticus 26-27;
Mark 2

February 21:  Numbers 1-2; 
Mark 3:1-19

February 22:  Numbers 3-4; 
Mark 3:20-35

February 23:  Numbers 5-6; 
Mark 4:1-20

February 24:  Numbers 7-8; 
Mark 4:21-41

February 25:  Numbers 9-11; Mark 5:1-20

Week 9

February 26: Numbers 12-14; Mark 5:21-43

February 27: Numbers 15-16; 
Mark 6-1-29

February 28/29: Numbers 17-19; Mark 6:30-56

March 1: Numbers 20-22; 
Mark 7:1-13

March 2: Numbers 23-25; 
Mark 7:14-37

March 3: Numbers 26-28; 
Mark 8

March 4: Numbers 29-31; 
Mark 9:1-29

Week 10

March 5: Numbers 32-34; Mark 9:30-50

March 6: Numbers 35-36; Mark 10:1-31

March 7: Deuteronomy 1-3; Mark 10:32-52

March 8: Deuteronomy 4-6; Mark 11:1-18

March 9: Deuteronomy 7-9; Mark 11:19-33

March 10: Deuteronomy 10-12; Mark 12:1-27

March 11: Deuteronomy 13-15; Mark 12:28-44

Week 11

March 12: Deuteronomy 16-18; Mark 13:1-20

March 13: Deuteronomy 19-21; Mark 13:21-37

March 14: Deuteronomy 22-24; Mark 14:1-26

March 15: Deuteronomy 25-27; Mark 14:27-53

March 16: Deuteronomy 28-29; Mark 14:54-72

March 17: Deuteronomy 30-31; Mark 15:1-25

March 18: Deuteronomy 32-34; Mark 15:26-47

Week 12

March 19: Joshua 1-3; Mark 16

March 20: Joshua 4-6; Luke 1:1-20

March 21: Joshua 7-9; Luke 1:21-38

March 22: Joshua 10-12; Luke 1:39-56

March 23: Joshua 13-15; Luke 1:57-80

March 24: Joshua 16-18; Luke 2:1-24

March 25: Joshua 19-21; Luke 2:25-52

Week 13

March 26: Joshua 22-24; Luke 3

March 27: Judges 1-3; Luke 4:1-30

March 28: Judges 4-6; Luke 4:31-44

March 29: Judges 7-8; Luke 5:1-16

March 30: Judges 9-10; Luke 5:17-39

March 31: Judges 11-12; Luke 6:1-26

April 1: Judges 13-15; Luke 6:27-49

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Repost: Ponds Vs. Oceans-Weeks 5 Through 7


This Year's Motto: "Put GOD First in Everything!!!"

Oftentimes we have become complacent with our present and often put our future plans on the back burner!!  In other words, we have become lukewarm or comfortable, right where we are!  We rather settle for our ponds than reach for our Oceans!!!  What we don't realize is that GOD, has so much more for us!!! GOD wants to Prosper us, HE wants to Increase our present, He wants to shower Blessings into our futures!!!

Are we going to continue to set our future on the back burner?  Are we going to settle for our ponds over our Oceans?  Let's Believe that GOD has so much more for us, if we would work our Faith and start reaching for our Oceans!!!

We are in Week 5 with our Readings and just below, I will post Week 5 and Week 6.

"Let's Get Excited in Reading GOD'S WORD in a Year!!!"

Week 5
January 29:  Exodus 21-22; Matthew 19

January 30:  Exodus 23-24;

Matthew 20:1-16

January 31:  Exodus 25-26;

Matthew 20:17-34

February 1:  Exodus 27-28;

Matthew 21:1-22

February 2:  Exodus 29-30;

Matthew 21:23-46

February 3:  Exodus 31-33;

Matthew 22:1-22

February 4:  Exodus 34-35;

Matthew 22:23-46

Week 6

February 5:  Exodus 36-38;

Matthew 23:1-22

February 6:  Exodus 39-40;

Matthew 23:23-39

February 7:  Leviticus 1-3;

Matthew 24:1-28

February 8:  Leviticus 4-5;

Matthew 24:29-51

February 9:  Leviticus 6-7;

Matthew 25:1-30

February 10:  Leviticus 8-10;

Matthew 25:31-46

February 11:  Leviticus 11-12;

Matthew 26:1-25


February 12:  Leviticus 13; 
Matthew 26:26-50

February 13:  Leviticus 14; 
Matthew 26:51-75

February 14:  Leviticus 15-16; 
Matthew 27:1-26
Happy Valentine's Day❤

February 15:  Leviticus 17-18; 
Matthew 27:27-50

February 16:  Leviticus 19-20; 
Matthew 27:51-66

February 17:  Leviticus 21-22; 
Matthew 28

February 18:  Leviticus 23-24; 
Mark 1:1-22

Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year 2021- Weeks 1 Through 4



Happy New Year Everyone!!!  We Made it Over to a New Year!!!  Thanking and Rejoicing in our LORD and Saviour!!! Thanking HIM For HIS Grace and Mercy!!!  Thank Our LORD AND Saviour For HIS Favor Upon Us!!!

I Am Asking For THE LORD To Continue To Love on Us and Continual Blessings For Each and Everyone of Us.  I am Encouraging Everyone, This Year To Put GOD First in Everything We Do!!!  Matter of Fact, this Will be My Motto For This Year-"GOD First"!!!

It's Very Important That We All Start, Continue, or Take THE LORD Off of Our Back Burners and Put HIM First in Our Lives!!!

THE LORD is the Reason Why We Overcome Sicknesses, Are Protected By Near Misses, Are Awaken Out of Our Deep Sleeps in The Mornings, and. I Could go On and On, Because HE is Just That Awesome!!!

We are in our 9th Year, in Reading GOD'S WORD in a Year!!!  We are Starting- Weeks 1 Through 4 and  are Posted, just Below.

"Let's Get Excited in Reading GOD'S WORD in a Year!!!"

Week 1

January 1:  Genesis 1-3; 
Matthew 1

January 2:  Genesis 4-6; 
Matthew 2

January 3:  Genesis 7-9; 
Matthew 3

January 4:  Genesis 10-12;
Matthew 4

January 5:  Genesis 13-15;
Matthew 5:1-26

January 6:  Genesis 16-17;
Matthew 5:27-48

January 7:  Genesis 18-19;
Matthew 6:1-18
Happy Birthday Kevin!!!🎂🎉🎈

Week 2

January 8:  Genesis 20-22; Matthew 6:19-34

January 9:  Genesis 23-24; Matthew 7

January 10:  Genesis 25-26; Matthew 8:1-17 
Happy Birthday Patricia, Jahnell, and Martravis!!!🎂🎉🎈

January 11:  Genesis 27-28; Matthew 8:18-34

January 12:  Genesis 29-30; Matthew 9:1-17

January 13:  Genesis 31-32; Matthew 9:18-38

January 14:  Genesis 33-35; Matthew 10:1-20

Week 3 

January 15:  Genesis 36-38; Matthew 10:21-42

January 16:  Genesis 39-40; Matthew 11

January 17:  Genesis 41-42;
Matthew 12:1-23

January 18:  Genesis 43-45; Matthew 12:24-50

January 19:  Genesis 46-48; Matthew 13:1-30

January 20:  Genesis 49-50; Matthew 13:31-58

January 21:  Exodus 1-3; Matthew 14:1-21

Week 4

January 22:  Exodus 4-6; 
Matthew 14:22-36

January 23:  Exodus 7-8;
Matthew 15:1-20

January 24:  Exodus 9-11;
Matthew 15:21-39

January 25:  Exodus 12-13;
Matthew 16

January 26:  Exodus 14-15;
Matthew 17

January 27:  Exodus 16-18;
Exodus 18:1-20

January 28:  Exodus 19-20;
Matthew 18:21-35

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Happy Holidays-Week 52

Happy Holidays Everyone!!! I am Thanking THE LORD For HIS Grace and Mercy for seeing Me Through this Year Through Sickness and Health!!!  I am Thanking HIM For HIS  MIGHTY BLESSINGS!!!  I am Thanking HIM For Keeping ME Anchored in HIM!!!

I Encourage Everyone to Always Reference GOD First and HE Will Reference Us First!!!  I Believe, GOD Allowed this Pandemic to Happen, to Let Us Know that HE (GOD) is Still on the Throne, That HE Is Alpha and Omega, and That HE is Still in Control!!! That Somewhere, we Put HIM (GOD) on the Back Burner, and oftentimes put HIM, second, third. fourth, or maybe, Not at All in our lives and HE Wants the Acknowledgement First!!

I Encourage Everyone to Always Put GOD First in Our Lives and That's When We Will See That GOD Will Protect Us, Heal Us, Favor Us, Reverence Us!!!

We are in the last Week of Our Readings for this Year!!!  "Let's Get Excited in Reading GOD'S WORD in a Year!!!"


Week 52

December 25:  Zephaniah; Revelation 16

December 26:  Haggai; Revelation 17

December 27:  Zechariah 1-4; Revelation 18

December 28:  Zechariah 5-8; Revelation 19

December 29:  Zechariah 9-12; Revelation 20

December 30:  Zechariah 13-14; Revelation 21

December 31:  Malachi; Revelation 22

Monday, December 7, 2020

Weeks 48 Through 51

Hello All and sorry for the late posting.  GOD is Speaking to my Spirit about Putting HIM First in Everything I Do!!!  Let's Not Compromise Our Blessing By Putting GOD Out of the Equation, Because Ultimately, All of Our Blessings Come from HIM!!!

"Any Hint of Compromise Will Taint Our Greatest Victories or Our Grandest Achievements!! Let's Remember We Represent Our Almighty GOD!!!"


We are in Week 49 and I have posted just below. Weeks 48 Through 51.  "Let's Get Excited in Reading GOD'S WORD in a Year!!!"


 Week 48

November 27:  Ezekiel 30-32; 
I Peter 4

November 28:  Ezekiel 33-34;
I Peter 5

November 29:  Ezekiel 35-36;
II Peter 1

November 30:  Ezekiel 37-39; 
II Peter 2

December 1:  Ezekiel 40-41;
II Peter 3

December 2:  Ezekiel 42-44;
I John 1

December 3:  Ezekiel 45-46; 
I John 2

Week 49

December 4:  Ezekiel 47-48; 
I John 3

December 5:  Daniel 1-2; 
I John 4

December 6:  Daniel 3-4;
I John 5

December 7:  Daniel 5-7;
II John

December 8:  Daniel 8-10;
III John

December 9:  Daniel 11-12;

December 10:  Hosea 1-4; Revelation 1

Week 50

December 11:  Hosea 5-8;
Revelation 2

December 12:  Hosea 9-11;
Revelation 3

December 13:  Hosea  12-14;
Revelation 4

December 14:  Joel; Revelation 5

December 15:  Amos 1-3; Revelation 6

December 16:  Amos 4-6; Revelation 7

December 17:  Amos 7-9; 
Revelation 8

Week 51

December 18:  Obadiah;
Revelation 9

December 19:  Jonah; 
Revelation 10

December 20:  Micah 1-3;
Revelation 11

December 21:  Micah 4-5;
Revelation 12

December 22:  Micah 6-7;
Revelation 13

December 23:  Nahum; 
Revelation 14

December 24:  Habakkuk;
Revelation 15

Saturday, October 10, 2020

GOD is Our Restoration- Weeks 41 Through 47

GOD is a GOD of Restoration!!!  GOD Will Restore HIS People and HIS Land.  Everything Belongs to GOD.  Everything GOD Created.  GOD is in Charge of Everything!!!! GOD is Alpha and Omega!!!  The Beginning and End!!!

GOD is in Charge of this Pandemic or should we say Plague.  If GOD, didn't want this Plague to happen, then it wouldn't have happened.  The Bible talks about Plagues from the beginning of time.  Every time a Plague happened in the Bible, GOD, had a Message within the Plague for HIS People.  Prime example, in the Book of Exodus, GOD, Hardened Pharaoh's Heart to not let the Israelites Go!!  GOD, caused Plagues to enter the land of Egypt, ultimately to Show who really is in charged.  The plagues were: water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children. After the last 10th Plague of the killing of the first born children including Pharaoh's Son, Pharaoh let GOD'S People Go!!!

People, GOD, is trying to tell us something in the Midst of this Plague (Pandemic)!! First,that HE (GOD) is upset with Us, HIS People; Second, that HE Wants Us to Repent and Turn from our Wicked Ways; and Third, that He Loves us, even in the Midst of this Pandemic, HE Will Restore Us!!!


We are in Week 41, with our Readings, just Posted below, with Weeks 42 Through 47 to Follow.  "Let's Get Excited in Reading GOD'S WORD in a Year!!!"

 Week 41

Oct 9:  Isaiah 32-33; Colossians 1

Oct 10:  Isaiah 34-36; Colossians 2

Oct 11:  Isaiah 37-38; Colossians 3

Oct 12:  Isaiah 39-40; Colossians 4

Oct 13:  Isaiah 41-42;
I Thessalonians 1

Oct 14:  Isaiah 43-44; 
I Thessalonians 2

Oct 15:  Isaiah 45-46;
I Thessalonians 3

Week 42

October 16:  Isaiah 47-49; 
I Thessalonians 4

October 17:  Isaiah 50-52;
I Thessalonians 5

October 18:  Isaiah 53-55;
II Thessalonians 1

October 19:  Isaiah 56-58;
II Thessalonians 2

October 20:  Isaiah 59-61;
II Thessalonians 3

October 21:  Isaiah 62-64;
I Timothy 1

October 22:  Isaiah 65-66;
I Timothy 2

Week 43

October 23:  Jeremiah 1-2; 
I Timothy 3

October 24:  Jeremiah 3-5;
I Timothy 4

October 25:  Jeremiah 6-8; 
I Timothy 5

October 26:  Jeremiah 9-11;
I Timothy 6

October 27:  Jeremiah 12-14;
II Timothy 1

October 28:  Jeremiah 15-17; 
II Timothy 2

October 29:  Jeremiah 18-19;
II Timothy 3

Week 44

October 30:  Jeremiah 20-21; 
II Timothy 4

October 31:  Jeremiah 22-23;
Titus 1

November 1:  Jeremiah 24-26;
Titus 2

November 2:  Jeremiah 27-29;
Titus 3

November 3:  Jeremiah 30-31;

November 4:  Jeremiah 32-33;
Hebrews 1

November 5:  Jeremiah 34-36;
Hebrews 2

Week 45

November 6:  Jeremiah 37-39; Hebrews 3

November 7:  Jeremiah 40-42; Hebrews 4

November 8:  Jeremiah 43-45; Hebrews 5

November 9:  Jeremiah 46-47; Hebrews 6

November 10:  Jeremiah 48-49; Hebrews 7

November 11:  Jeremiah 50; Hebrews 8

November 12:  Jeremiah 51-52; Hebrews 9

Week 46

November 13:  Lamentations 1-2; Hebrews 10:1-18

November 14:  Lamentations 3-5; Hebrews 10:19-39

November 15:  Ezekiel 1-2; Hebrews 11:1-19

November 16:  Ezekiel 3-4; Hebrews 11:20-40

November 17:  Ezekiel 5-7; Hebrews 12

November 18:  Ezekiel 8-10; Hebrews 13

November 19:  Ezekiel 11-13; James 1

Week 47

November 20:  Ezekiel 14-15; James 2

November 21:  Ezekiel 16-17; James 3

November 22:  Ezekiel 18-19; James 4

November 23:  Ezekiel 20-21; James 5

November 24:  Ezekiel 22-23;
I Peter 1

November 25:  Ezekiel 24-26; 
I Peter 2

November 26:  Ezekiel 27-29;
I Peter 3