Saturday, October 10, 2020

GOD is Our Restoration- Weeks 41 Through 47

GOD is a GOD of Restoration!!!  GOD Will Restore HIS People and HIS Land.  Everything Belongs to GOD.  Everything GOD Created.  GOD is in Charge of Everything!!!! GOD is Alpha and Omega!!!  The Beginning and End!!!

GOD is in Charge of this Pandemic or should we say Plague.  If GOD, didn't want this Plague to happen, then it wouldn't have happened.  The Bible talks about Plagues from the beginning of time.  Every time a Plague happened in the Bible, GOD, had a Message within the Plague for HIS People.  Prime example, in the Book of Exodus, GOD, Hardened Pharaoh's Heart to not let the Israelites Go!!  GOD, caused Plagues to enter the land of Egypt, ultimately to Show who really is in charged.  The plagues were: water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children. After the last 10th Plague of the killing of the first born children including Pharaoh's Son, Pharaoh let GOD'S People Go!!!

People, GOD, is trying to tell us something in the Midst of this Plague (Pandemic)!! First,that HE (GOD) is upset with Us, HIS People; Second, that HE Wants Us to Repent and Turn from our Wicked Ways; and Third, that He Loves us, even in the Midst of this Pandemic, HE Will Restore Us!!!


We are in Week 41, with our Readings, just Posted below, with Weeks 42 Through 47 to Follow.  "Let's Get Excited in Reading GOD'S WORD in a Year!!!"

 Week 41

Oct 9:  Isaiah 32-33; Colossians 1

Oct 10:  Isaiah 34-36; Colossians 2

Oct 11:  Isaiah 37-38; Colossians 3

Oct 12:  Isaiah 39-40; Colossians 4

Oct 13:  Isaiah 41-42;
I Thessalonians 1

Oct 14:  Isaiah 43-44; 
I Thessalonians 2

Oct 15:  Isaiah 45-46;
I Thessalonians 3

Week 42

October 16:  Isaiah 47-49; 
I Thessalonians 4

October 17:  Isaiah 50-52;
I Thessalonians 5

October 18:  Isaiah 53-55;
II Thessalonians 1

October 19:  Isaiah 56-58;
II Thessalonians 2

October 20:  Isaiah 59-61;
II Thessalonians 3

October 21:  Isaiah 62-64;
I Timothy 1

October 22:  Isaiah 65-66;
I Timothy 2

Week 43

October 23:  Jeremiah 1-2; 
I Timothy 3

October 24:  Jeremiah 3-5;
I Timothy 4

October 25:  Jeremiah 6-8; 
I Timothy 5

October 26:  Jeremiah 9-11;
I Timothy 6

October 27:  Jeremiah 12-14;
II Timothy 1

October 28:  Jeremiah 15-17; 
II Timothy 2

October 29:  Jeremiah 18-19;
II Timothy 3

Week 44

October 30:  Jeremiah 20-21; 
II Timothy 4

October 31:  Jeremiah 22-23;
Titus 1

November 1:  Jeremiah 24-26;
Titus 2

November 2:  Jeremiah 27-29;
Titus 3

November 3:  Jeremiah 30-31;

November 4:  Jeremiah 32-33;
Hebrews 1

November 5:  Jeremiah 34-36;
Hebrews 2

Week 45

November 6:  Jeremiah 37-39; Hebrews 3

November 7:  Jeremiah 40-42; Hebrews 4

November 8:  Jeremiah 43-45; Hebrews 5

November 9:  Jeremiah 46-47; Hebrews 6

November 10:  Jeremiah 48-49; Hebrews 7

November 11:  Jeremiah 50; Hebrews 8

November 12:  Jeremiah 51-52; Hebrews 9

Week 46

November 13:  Lamentations 1-2; Hebrews 10:1-18

November 14:  Lamentations 3-5; Hebrews 10:19-39

November 15:  Ezekiel 1-2; Hebrews 11:1-19

November 16:  Ezekiel 3-4; Hebrews 11:20-40

November 17:  Ezekiel 5-7; Hebrews 12

November 18:  Ezekiel 8-10; Hebrews 13

November 19:  Ezekiel 11-13; James 1

Week 47

November 20:  Ezekiel 14-15; James 2

November 21:  Ezekiel 16-17; James 3

November 22:  Ezekiel 18-19; James 4

November 23:  Ezekiel 20-21; James 5

November 24:  Ezekiel 22-23;
I Peter 1

November 25:  Ezekiel 24-26; 
I Peter 2

November 26:  Ezekiel 27-29;
I Peter 3

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