Thursday, February 2, 2012

Reflections From Previous Readings

Genesis 18: Abraham welcomes three visitors. Sarah laughs at the promise of her son Isaac. Abraham's intercedes for Sodom.

Genesis 19: Sodom sins against two Angels visiting Lot. Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed. Lot's wife looks back and becomes a pillar of salt. Lot's daughters have children by him by deception.

Genesis 20: Abraham lies to King Abimelech about Sarah being his wife, although Sarah is Abrsham's sister. She is his father's daughter.

Genesis 21: Issac is born to Sarah and Abraham. Hagar and Ishmael are sent away. Abraham convenants with King Abimelech.

Genesis 22: Abraham's offer Issac for a sacrifice. Nahor, Abraham's brother had 8 kids by his wife and 4 kids by his mistress.

Genesis 23: Sarah dies before Abraham at the age of 127. Abraham gave Ephon, a son of Heth, 400 shekels of silver for burial land. Ephon sold him the field of Machpelah which was before Mamre and there was a cave there, where Sarah was buried.

Genesis 24: Abraham wanted Isaac to marry not a daughter of the Canaanites, but from his kindred land, from his country. Abraham sent his servant to find Isaac a wife. He finds Rebekah and brings her back to marry Isaac. Rebekah becomes Isaac's wife. Then Isaac was comforted after his mother's death.

Genesis 25: Abraham married Keturah, after Sarah had died. They had 6 kids together. When Abraham was near death, he gave everything to Isaac, but only gifts to his other kids. Abraham dies, he was 315 years old. Isaac and Ishmael buries Abraham in the cave of Machpelah. Rebekah has twin sons, Esau and Jacob. Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob.

Genesis 26: GOD'S covenant with Abrahan continues through Isaac. Isaac deceives King Abimelech, concerning Rebekah. GOD Blesses Isaac with great wealth.

Genesis 27: Rebekah told Jacob to still Esau's blessings as well. Jacob flees from Esau into Laban.

Genesis 28: Isaac sent Jacob to Padanaram. Jacob dreams og a ladder reaching to heaven.

Genesis 29: Jacob marries Laban's daughters, Leah and Rachel. Jacob had to serve 7 years for Rachel. Jacob loved Rachel more than he loved Leah. Laban gave Jacob, Leah, instead of Rachel. Jacob had to serve another 7yrs. For Rachel. The LORD favored Leah, because she was less favored by Jacob and the LORD blessed her womb, and not Rachel's. Leah had 4 sons, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah.

Genesis 30: Rachel and Leah fights over Jacob. They seeked reveign and gives their handmaidens to Jacob, which they did bare children. GOD remembers Rachael and she bares a son named Joseph to Jacob.

Genesis 31: Jacob departs from Laban and is pursued by Laban. Laban leaves after covenant with Jacob.

Genesis 32: Jacob prepares a reunion with his brother, Esau. Jacob wrestles all night and GOD changes his name to Israel.
Question: Why did GOD change Jacob's name to Isreal?

Genesis 33: Jacob and Esau reconciles.

Genesis 34: Dinah, daughter of Jacob and Leah is defiled by Shechem. The sons of Jacob take revenge by slaying the Shechemites.

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