Saturday, February 25, 2012


Genesis 35: Jacobs builds an altar at Bethel. Rachel's death after giving birth to Benjamin. The twelve sons of Jacob. Isaac's death and burial.

Genesis 36: Generations of Esau. Various Kings that reigned in Edom.

Genesis 37: Joseph's brothers are jealous of him because he can interrupt dreams. Joseph is sold by his brothers and taken to Egypt.

Genesis 38: Tamar gives birth to twins by her father-in-law, Judah.

Genesis 39: Joseph prospers while living in Potiphar's house. Joseph is put into prison after being falsely accused by Potiphar's wife.

Genesis 40: While in prison Joseph interprets dreams of the butler and the baker.

Genesis 41: JoSeph interprets Pharaoh's dreams. Joseph is put in power over all the land of Egypt. Manasseh and Ephraim are born. Seven years of famine begins.

Genesis 42: Jacob sends his sons to Egypt to buy food because of the famine. The sons do not know they are buying food from their brother Joseph. Broken hearted Joseph send them home with corn and their money.

Genesis 43: Jacob's sons persuades him to let Benjamin return with his brothers to Egypt.

Genesis 44: Joseph's silver cup is found in Benjamin's sack. Judah pleads with Joseph for Benjamin's life.

Genesis 45: Joseph makes himself known to his brothers. Joseph requests his brothers to return with their father Jacob.

Genesis 46: Jacob and his family moves to Egypt. Joseph and Jacob's reunion at Goshen.

Genesis 47: Pharaoh welcomes Jacob and his family. Pharaoh benefits from Joseph's famine program. Joseph makes a vow or promise to bury his father Jacob in Canaan.

Genesis 48: Joseph's sons Manasseh and Ephraim is blessed by their grandfather Jacob.

Genesis 49: Jacob gives his final words to his sons. Jacob's death occurs.

Genesis 50: Jacob's burial in Canaan. Joseph promises to continue to provide for his family. Joseph's death occurs in Egypt.

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