Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Reflections: II Samuel, I Kings

II Samuel: Samuel is not living at the time this book takes place. It is named after him because, Samuel anointed David, which is the maim character of this book. II Samuel, continues, the book of I Samuel. David is crowned King after Saul's death. David reigns 40 years. David rules over Judah 7 years and Israel 33 years. The capital is changed fron Hebron to Jerusalem, where the Ark of the Covenant is located. David has many successful military victories. His victories turn into tragedy in the middle of his reign, because of his lust for Bathsheba, which caused adultery and the murder of Bathsheba's husband Uriah. After the murder of Uriah, he marries Bathsheba. The prophet, Nathan rebukes David, but David repents his sins and is restored back to GOD. David's sins, still has to be accounted for, therefore, David experiences: Absalom's revolt, and unrest in the nation. Even though David's fame is not like it was, GOD still Blesses him. Solomon is born to David and Bathsheba, who succeeds David as King, and becomes the royal lineage to our LORD JESUS CHRIST!!! I Kings This book is self reflected, because it contains the history of the Kings who ruled Israel and Judah. This book is the sequel of I and II Samuel. Solomon's construction of the Temple is highlighted. After Solomon's death, a division in the Kingdom occurs. His son Rehoboam rules over Judah, and his son Jeroboam rules over Israel. The capital of Judah that is chosen is Jerusalem, and the capital of Israel that is chosen is Samaria. This division extends over 300 years. Each nation had her own King. The miracles of the prophet Elijah is discussed. Ahab is discussed, as well, which was known as Israel's most, fierce wicked King.

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