Sunday, June 24, 2012

Reflections: II Kings

II Kings is also named after itself, because it contains the history of the Kings that ruled Israel and Judah. II kings continues the story of the Kings that ruled over the divided kingdom, leading to the final overthrow and deportation of Israel and Judah's people.
II Kings gives an appraisal of each King to the relationship of GOD and the Covenant. Majority of the Kings were appraised as being evil in GOD'S sight, which what ultimately lead Israel and Judah into separate "captivity".

Summary: The people are warned by the Prophets that the judgement of GOD is at hand, but they would not listen and did not repent for their evil doings. The Kingdom of Israel is ruled by wicked Kings repeatly. Judah had a few good Kings, including Elisha, but the majority, of their Kings were also evil. Elisha, along with the other Prophets could not stop the decline of the nation, therefore the Nortdern Kingdom of Israel was destroyed by Assyrians and the Southern Kingdom of Judah was destroyed by the Babylonians.

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