Wednesday, March 27, 2013

"HE'S ALIVE!!!"- Weeks 13 & 14

Are you glad I know HE'S still ALIVE
HE hung HIS HEAD and Bled and Died
But HE rose on the third day; that  O death just couldn't keep HIM
in the grave and HE rose, with all Power in HIS hands."
                                            HEADLINE NEWS!!!

Are you glad that GOD made HIMSELF Flesh and Sacrificed HIMSELF (JESUS) on the CROSS for me and you?  I am glad , I am grateful, that our Gracious FATHER did such a thing for all of us!!! We don't have to sacrifice anything like animals or people, but we can go to our FATHER, in the name of JESUS and ask for forgiveness for our sins.  JESUS did all the sacrificing!!!  Now we can live up in HEAVEN with THEM  if we except JESUS' sacrifice and live a life that pleases GOD.  Remember, we can enter prayer anytime and ask for forgiveness for our sins and because JESUS sacrificed HIMSELF we are forgiven.

I will post weeks 13 and 14 today.  Don't forget to review the Gospels in the New Testament and review JESUS' Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.  It can be found in Matthew chapters 26-28, Mark chapters 14-16, Luke chapters 19-24, and John chapters 18-21

Week 13

March 24:  Judges 16-18
March 25:  Judges 19-21
March 26:  Book of Ruth
March 27:  I Samuel 1-3
March 28:  I Samuel 4-8
March 29:  I Samuel 9-12
March 30:  I Samuel 13-14

Week 14

March 31:  I Samuel  15-17
April 1:  I Samuel 18-20
April 2:  I Samuel 21-24
April 3:  I Samuel 25-27
April 4:  I Samuel 28-31
April 5:  II Samuel 1-4
April 6:  II Samuel 5-7

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