Sunday, July 28, 2013

Reflections: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon

Proverbs:  The Hebrew title of this book means "Proverbs of Solomon".  The author of Proverbs is mainly King Solomon, but there are writings of Agur, King Lemuel, and others in this particular book of the Bible.  After Solomon succeeds his father David as King of Israel, Solomon asks GOD for wisdom and GOD Blesses him with so much wisdom that people all over come to hear King Solomon teachings, which are a part of the book of Proverbs.  Proverbs contains wise sayings that relate to spiritual truths and instruction concerning every aspect of our lives.  It contrasts the ungodly view of the fool versus the godly perspective of the wise.  True wisdom cannot be found separate from GOD.  We should never rely on our own understanding but only on the truths that GOD teaches us.

Ecclesiastes:  Ecclesiastes means "preacher" in the Greek form.  The author of this book is said to be Solomon.  The author has a life full of power, pleasures, prestige, and wealth; but his life is still empty for he is still looking for happiness.  He reflects on past failures and mistakes in his life.  Basically the book demonstrates that our earthly goals without GOD will not bring us happiness.  A youthful disobedient life without GOD will bring us sorrow in our latter years and a youthful obedient life to GOD will bring ultimate happiness to our latter years.  Ecclesiastes conveys that we should always fear GOD and keep HIS commandments and GOD will see that our lives our fulfilled with happiness and abundant Blessings from HIM.

Song of Solomon:  Solomon is most likely the author of this book.  It is titled Song of Solomon because it is a love song about Solomon and his bride.  This book teaches us the importance of  love and marriage.  It portrays that sex and marriage are ordained by GOD and are good and Blessed in HIS sight when combined.  Abstractly Song of Solomon portrays GOD'S love for Israel and CHRIST'S love for HIS church.

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