Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Weeks 3 & 4

Let your conversation be without covetousness: and be content with such things as yet have: for he hath said. I WILL NEVER LEAVE THEE, NOR FORSAKE THEE.
Hebrews 13:5

GOD is leaning in our direction!!!  GOD is leaning in our direction for peace, favor, comfort, healing, to just to name a few.  GOD will never leave us or forsake us, especially in our time of dire need. 

I will post weeks 3 & 4 today.  Let's be happy in reading GOD'S WORD!!

Week 3
January 12:  Genesis 29-30 and Matthew 9: 1-17
January 13:  Genesis 31-32 and Matthew 9: 18-38
January 14:  Genesis 33-35 and Matthew 10: 1-20
January 15:  Genesis 36-38 and Matthew 10:  21-42
January 16:  Genesis 39-40 and Matthew 11
January 17:  Genesis 41-42 and Matthew 12: 1-23
January 18:  Genesis 43-45 and Matthew 12: 24-50

Week 4

January 19:  Genesis 46-48 and Matthew 13:1-30
January 20:  Genesis 49-50 and Matthew 13: 31-58
January 21:  Exodus 1-3 and Matthew 14: 1-21
January 22:  Exodus 4-6 and Matthew 14: 22-36
January 23:  Exodus 7-8 and Matthew 15:  1-20
January 24:  Exodus 9-11 and Matthew 15: 21-39
January 25:  Exodus 12-13 and Matthew 16

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