Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Ash Wednesday and Valentine's Day!!!-Week 7

Hello everyone!!!  This is my favorite time of the year!!!  Today is Ash Wednesday and it marks the beginning of Lent.  Lent is a Sacred Time to Meditate with our LORD JESUS CHRIST and become closer to HIM!!! Just below, I will repost last year's post on Lent!!!  Happy Ash Wednesday and Valentine's Day!!!♥

Here is the repost:
I find it very meaniful, purposeful, and significant to repost an old post of mine in regards to the Lenten Season.  This is my favorite time of the year, this is the time for us to reflect on GOD and our relationship with HIM.  Also a time to really meditate and thank GOD for HIS Precious Gift of HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST!!!  That HE gave HIS LIFE, that we all can have Eternal Life in HEAVEN!!! How Awesome is this Gift!!!

Here is the post:

Lent is observed by Christians and is done by fasting and penitence (repentance), for in preparation for Easter.  By fasting we our showing our GOD that we are sorry for our sins and faults.  It's a great season for all of us to become closer to Our GOD.  It usually starts on Ash Wednesday and is done for 40 weekdays until Easter arrives.  A lot of us give up our favorite foods.  In the Old Testament the Israelites was instructed by GOD to give up leavened bread during there Lenten season.  Leavened bread is any bread that has yeast or any rising agent in it.  This is where "Fat Tuesday" come into play, when we eat those delicious Punchki Donuts.  The Israelites were to use all the leavening agents up in their households before Ash Wedneday and was not to have any of it present in their dwellings for 40 days.  Did you know we can give up leavened foods, but we can set alternatives to that by giving up certain habits that we have, such as spending too much money, complaining, judging others, discouraging others, hanging on to hate and anger. Also we can concentrate on forgiving others and increasing our prayer life.  Why not concentrate on some of these things during this Lenten season dedicated to our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST!!!  While engaging in this Lenten season let's not forget what JESUS did for us on the CROSS. HE sacrificed HIMSELF through HIS BLOOD so that we may have eternal life in HEAVEN with HIM; the FATHER and the SON!!!  How Awesome is this!!!!! What a great gift from our LORD and SAVIOUR!!! All we have to do is repent and be sorry for our sins, and practice from repeating the same sins, and all the rest is done for us!!!  We can freely go to our LORD and SAVIOR and ask for forgiveness and if we truly mean it, then we are automatically forgiven through HIM, Hallelujah...Thank YOU JESUS!!!

We are in Week 7 and I will post Week 7 Readings just below!!!  'Let:s be Happy and Excited in Reading GOD'S WORD in a Year!!!'


February 12:  Leviticus 13; 
Matthew 26:26-50

February 13:  Leviticus 14; 
Matthew 26:51-75

February 14:  Leviticus 15-16; 
Matthew 27:1-26

February 15:  Leviticus 17-18; 
Matthew 27:27-50

February 16:  Leviticus 19-20; 
Matthew 27:51-66

February 17:  Leviticus 21-22; 
Matthew 28

February 18:  Leviticus 23-24; 
Mark 1:1-22

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