Monday, January 23, 2012

Reflections from Previous Readings

Genesis 10: The generations of Noah sons, Ham, Shem, and Japheth were born. They became divided and became nations, including the Cananites.

Genesis 11: The whole earth was one language and the people decided to build a tower to Heaven. The LORD came down and heard what they were doing. The LORD did not permit this and scattered them abroad the earth by changing their languages. Terah was born and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran. Haran begat Lot, but Haran died shortly after Lot was born. Abram married Sarai.

Why do you think it was important that GOD changed the people languages?

Genesis 12: the LORD instructed Abram to leave his father's (Haran) land and establish his own, and takes his wife Sarai and his brother's son Lot with him. They passed through Canaan traveling South. A famine came upon this land and Abram traveled to Egypt. Abram lied to Pharoah, about Sarai not being his wife, fearing that Pharoah would kill and take Sarai, his

Genesis 13: Abram and his family left Egypt and Abram and Lot separated. Lot chose all the
plain of Jordan near Sodom (but the men of Sodom were so wicked), and Abram dwelled in the
land of Canaan.

Genesis 14: King Sodom and the King of Gomorrah is under attack by surrounding Kings of other
nations. The kings took Lot, Abram's brother son and all his goods. When Abram found out what the Kings had done, Abram armed himself with his trained servants, born in his own house, three hundred and eighteen of them, and they pursued them unto Dan. He smite (killed) them
all and brought back his brother's son Lot, and his goods, the women, and all the people. The
King of Sodom and the other Kings came out to meet Abram after the slaughter. They offered
him all kinds of goods in exchange for mall his people. Abram did not accept, but ask for
food. They let them take their portion.

Genesis 15: Abram asks GOD, is the steward of his house his heir? The LORD GOD says, no look at the stars and you will see your heir or seed, which will come out of your own bowels.

Genesis 16: Sarai, Abram's wife Was restrained from bearing children. Therefore Sarai gave her handmaiden Hagar to her husband Abram. After doing so, Hagar became with child or
pregnant and Sarai became jealous and dealt with Hagar harshly. Hagar fled into the
wilderness, where an Angel appeared to Hagar and told her to return to her mistress, Sarai.
The Angel also told Hagar, that she would have a son and his name will be Ishamael(because the LORD hath heard thy affliction). Abram was 46 when Hagar bared Ishmael.

Question: What do you think Sarai should have done before giving Hagar to her Husband to
bear a child for him?

Genesis 17: The LORD appeared unto Abram. Abram was 99 years old. The LORD said to Abram, he would bless him exceedingly, and make his covenant between Abram and HIMSELF. GOD changed
his name from Abram to Abraham, a father of many nations and Kings he would be. HE changed
Sarai's name to Sarah and said HE would bless her with a son, and thou shall call his name
Isaac. GOD said she would be a mother of many nations and Kings. Abraham laughed at the
LORD, because him and Sarah was old with age. Abraham was 100 and Sarah 99. GOD blesses
Ishmael to take a great nation. GOD says HE will bless Isaac with HIS convenient, when he is
born. The LORD GOD also instructed Abraham to circumcise every male in the household or he
would be cut off from HIS covenant.

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