Monday, December 21, 2015

Happy Holidays!!!- Week 52

Happy Holidays!!!

As we are celebrating this Christmas Season, I encourage you to meditate on the great gift that GOD has given us!!! What is that great gift? I am glad you asked.

That great gift is the Birth of JESUS CHRIST, our SAVIOR!!!  JESUS CHRIST was born here on earth to come and tell us the good news of  SALVATION!!!  How if we believe in HIM and follow HIS teachings, then we have the right to the tree of LIFE forever in HEAVEN!!!

I would like to share the Candy Cane Story:

The Candy Cane Story
A candy cane maker wanted to make a candy that would be a witness for his SAVIOR, so he made the Christmas Candy Cane.  He incorporated several symbols for the birth, ministry, and death of JESUS CHRIST.  He began with a stick of pure white, hard candy.  The white symbolizes the Virgin Birth (Isaiah 7:14; Luke 1:26-35) and the sinless nature of JESUS (I John 3:5).  The hardness of the candy symbolizes the Solid Rock (I Corinthians 10:4), the FOUNDATION of the Church (Matthew 16:18), and the firmness of the promises of GOD (Psalms 18:30-32).  The candy maker made the candy into the form of a "J" to represent the precious name of JESUS, who came to earth as our SAVIOR (John 3:16-17), and a symbol to represent the staff of the GOOD SHEPHERD (John 10:14).  Thinking that the candy was somewhat plain, the candy maker decided to stain it with three small red stripes, representing the stripes of the scourging JESUS received prior to HIS crucifixion (Mark 15:15-20) for our healing (Isaiah 53:5).  The large red stripe represents the shedding of HIS BLOOD on the Cross for our Salavation (Romans 5:9 Ephesians 1:7).  Unfortunately, the Candy Cane has lost its traditional meaning and become just a decoration seen only at Christmas time.  
                                                                                   -Scripture Candy, Inc.

The Scripture Candy, Inc. pray that this traditional symbols will again be used as a witness for the Glory and Honor of our LORD AND SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST.

We are down to the wire!! We are in our last two weeks of our reading our Bibles through in a year!!!
Congratulate yourself in doing a job well done for CHRIST!!!  


December 20:  Micah 1-3; Revelation 11
December 21:  Micah 4-5: Revelation 12
December 22:  Micah 6-7; Revelation 13
December 23:  Nahum; Revelation 14
December 24:  Habakkuk; Revelation 15   Merry CHRISTmas Eve!!!
December 25:  Zephaniah; Revelation 16   Merry CHRISTmas!!!
December 26:  Haggai; Revelation 17

December 27:  Zechariah 1-4; Revelation 18
December 28:  Zechariah 5-8; Revelation 19
December 29:  Zechariah 9-12; Revelation 20
December 30:  Zechariah 13-24; Revelation 21
December 31:  Malachi; Revelation 22

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