Sunday, November 6, 2016

Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself- Weeks 45 and 46

"A certain lawyer, stood up and tempted the LORD, and asked HIM, what shall he do to inherit eternal life?"

"The LORD, said, thou shall Love the LORD Thy GOD with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself."
Luke 10:27

In I Corinthians, Chapter 13, Paul explains, without Charity, we have nothing!!

Charity is love.  Paul, says in verse 4, that charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not, charity vauneth not itself, it is not puffed up.  In other words, we have to always put on The Agape Love which is GOD'S LOVE!!!  Therefore we are always to Love our neighbors as GOD Loves us and as we Love ourselves.

Who are our neighbors?  Our neighbors is the person standing by you in the grocery line, the person sitting by you in the movie theater, the person that you greet in the morning when you walk into work, the person that comes to you for help.

I encourage you to read Luke 10 paying close to verses 30-42. The story of The Good Samaritan.  Also read the entire chapter of I Corinthians 13.

When we Love and take care our neighbors, we are Loving GOD at the same time!!!

We are in Week 46, please forgive me for posting late.  I will post Week 45 and Week 46 today.  "Let's be Happy in Reading GOD'S WORD in a Year!!!"


October 30:  Jeremiah 20-21; II Timothy 4
October 31:  Jeremiah 22-23; Titus 1
November 1:  Jeremiah 24-26; Titus 2
November 2:  Jeremiah 27-29; Titus 3
November 3:  Jeremiah 30-31; Philemon
November 4:  Jeremiah 32-33; Hebrew 1
November 5:  Jeremiah 34-36; Hebrew 2


November 6:  Jeremiah 37-39; Hebrew 3
November 7:  Jeremiah 40-42; Hebrew 4
November 8:  Jeremiah 43-45; Hebrew 5
November 9:  Jeremiah 46-47; Hebrew 6
November 10:  Jeremiah 48-49; Hebrew 7
November 11:  Jeremiah 50; Hebrew 8
November 12:  Jeremiah 51-52; Hebrew 9

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